How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay?
November 12, 2016
Writing compare and contrast essays means having to list down both the similarities and differences of a particular subject matter, which could either be a thing or an idea. This particular assignment is usually provided by professors and teachers to encourage students to go beyond summarizing and describing and onto critical thinking and analyzing.
All Truth About World's Most Powerful Universities
November 03, 2016
Every person who wants to be successful understands that one of the main preconditions is a good education. It might not always be necessary, because self-education in the era of Internet is of a huge importance, but it surely plays a significant role in everyone’s life. That’s why in the high school we plan to enter one of the most prestigious universities.
Awesome Cover Letter Examples for College Students to Engage Employers
August 22, 2016
Writing a cover letter for resume as an undergraduate or freshly graduated student is both an exciting and difficult prospect. While many students focus on writing their resumes in order to impress their future employers, it’s important to note that both your resume and the cover letter for resume you send are what make your application.
Why Good Writing Skills Are Important in Today's Workplace
July 20, 2016
In today’s digital world, people seem to overlook writing skills as something that’s not as important as a strong resume. While that may be the case for some professions, effective paper writing and expressing your thoughts in a clear and cohesive way will get you far and beyond your peers. What is it that makes good writing such a necessity in today’s average workplace?